Friday, January 22, 2010


Hello! So as you may or may not know, I am the President of Gonzaga's Public Relations Student Society of America. I have an excellent executive board made up of mostly seniors and a few juniors. We have made some improvements to GU PRSSA this year and last semester was a great success! Wednesday night we had our first board meeting of the new semester and began putting some very exciting plans into action.

First of all, our February meeting is going to be a teleseminar about copyright infringement. It will be talking about what kind of content you can or cannot use without citing. I think this will be very informative as none of us want to be in violation of a copyright. I am a little bit nervous because I have never used a teleseminar before and I know you can only play through it one time. This crushed my plan of doing a practice run before the meeting with the membership. I will cross my fingers and maintain high hopes that things will run smoothly.

Our March meeting will follow the usual format of a guest speaker followed by a Q&A session. I have not found a speaker yet but I have a few ideas as to who I should contact. We have had two representatives from the career center as well as Dale Goodwin, who is the Director of Public Relations for GU. All three were fantastic and I know the membership gained a lot of insight from them.

I am most excited about our April meeting, although it will be bitter sweet as it is our last meeting of the year I think it will be one of the best. We will be partnering with Spokane PRSA to host a networking event for PR students and local professionals. Two of my board members are working on the details of this event so I'm sure it is going to be a big success.

So far PRSSA has been a fantastic experience. I feel as though I have gained a great deal of leadership experience through managing my ten member board and over thirty student members. With only three meetings, a service event, and a social event left, I am enjoying what time I have to the fullest.

Until next time!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spin Class

So I'm working on my PR Planning & Case Review homework. The assignment is to read the PRSA Code of Ethics and then find an article that depicts a violation of one of the codes. I have found my article, and have read all I can read about ethics in relation to PRSA. The question that comes to mind for me is what will I do if I encounter any one of these ethical dilemmas in my career? What kinds of issues will come up? I know "spin doctor" is basically a dirty word, but what if I am asked to "spin" an event that is not quite as favorable as desired by my client into something positive? Is that simply doing my job, or is it an infringement on the ethical code of the profession.. I'll be thinking about that.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The First Page


This is my entry into the blog-o-sphere, I'm getting my foot in the door and seeing what's out there! I am in my final semester of college and preparing to start out on my own. I'm here to share my thoughts, experiences and insights so far as I figure out where I'm headed into the world of PR. All in all, I'm excited to see where this year takes me.