Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Crunch Time

If there is one thing that is driving me crazy right now it's the various "count down to graduation!" Facebook and Twitter status updates. Then there are the friendly reminders from professors, parents, roommates, and even strangers(!) reminding me of all the things I want to accomplish before May 9th, 2010. (AKA G-DAY)

Tonight, I will be putting the finishing touches on my portfolio for my professional development class. Tomorrow, creating a comprehensive time line for the promotion of the April networking event with PRSA. Throw in classes, work, applying for jobs, sleeping if I'm lucky :-) and everything else a Senior graduating in X amount of days should be doing, and you have one very busy college student.

Even at my most stressed I remain more excited than scared about the future and all of the implications that come with it. I realize, as we all do at some point, that good things DO come to an end. Gonzaga, my friend, you have been an impeccable second home to me for the last four years and although I will accept my title as "Alumni" begrudgingly, I wouldn't want to be an "Alumni" anywhere else.

Well, off to the library to take advantage of 5 cent printing!

Until next time...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Back to Basics

The other day I learned a valuable lesson.. sometimes the best way to communicate with someone is face to face. I know that sounds very simplistic, and maybe even rudimentary, but I think we forget the importance of communicating with one another face to face because we communicate so often through our phones or computer screens.

I came to this realization when two of my board members and I spent almost two weeks trying to confirm a room reservation for our networking event we are hosting in April.

We called. We emailed. We left messages. We called again!

None of us could get a response. Time was ticking; plans needed to be made, an event needed to be planned and promoted!

As I sat in the library, pulling my laptop out to send yet another email in an attempt to get this room reservation confirmed, I decided to bypass the electronic route. I stormed over to the office, and lo and behold, had the room I wanted, on the date!

Had I sent another email who knows how long I would have waited for a response. The moral is this, sometimes you have to talk with someone in person, looking them in the eye, to achieve your goal. If the situation allows, I will definitely employ this strategy in my future communication efforts.